How To Launch On PH - Playbook ⚑️

Markus Jenul
30 replies
Thank you all for your Support!! πŸ™Œ We became product #2 on product hunt, got hundreds of signups and new customers!! πŸŽ‰ BUT how did we do that? πŸ€” Well we documented our process and wanted to share it with you. Feel free to use it in case you plan to launch on product hunt as well. We want to save you as much time as possible πŸ€“


Tony Yan
Very helpful! Thanks a lot!
Markus Jenul
@zhitao_yan Happy to hear that. let me know if you need anything else :)
Hussain Effendi
Congratulations! Success is always sweeter once you share your journey and help others follow in your footsteps. Respect ;)
Markus Jenul
@heffendi Thank you. Appreciate your kind words :)
Misha Krunic
Thank you for sharing, will definitely come in handy!
Markus Jenul
@price2spy you are welcome :) glad you find it useful
Uchechukwu Emmanuel
Thank you so much for this Markus!!!!!
Martina Hackbartt
Wow! I already know how useful this will be to our team. Thanks a lot for sharing :)
Markus Jenul
@martina_hackbartt great to hear that. happy to help :)
Yehuda Zahler
Excited to dig into this
Markus Jenul
@yehuda_zahler let me know if you have any questions :)
Pranay Wankhede
Wow! So many amazing insights. Really loved it.
Thomas Filmer
Awesome read @markus_jenul1 - we felt like sharing the same love around PH by putting together our own views on how to launch a successful campaign. Check it out here if you have 2 min πŸ‘‰
Markus Jenul
@thomas_filmer oh super cool. going to check it out now. thank you Thomas!! :)
Li Liang
Thank you for sharing your learnings. I'm currently in the process of planning a launch!
Brian Nutt
This is awesome. Thank you for sharing! We just today set a launch date for 5/2/22 and are working through the many steps to maximize our launch. You can follow our upcoming product page here if you'd like to learn more. Cheers!
Markus Jenul
@brian_nutt Thank you for the kind words Brian!!
Peter Kowalczyk
Wow, this is the best PH Playbook on "How to Launch", it covers all the important points. Thank you!