How often you read newsletters?

Divya Rajendran
11 replies
Most of us signup for newsletters, but how many of us frequently check the newsletters and be up to date? Hi Folks, It's a small survey, please comment on your experience and what distractions you face ( reading newsletters / couldn't read ) Thanks in advance😊


Weiru (Launching Vizard now)💜
Depends on which newsletter hehe...for me it's "reading every piece" or "never". for those newsletters that I actually read - probably check their every published piece. But for those that I don't read, I almost never open them
Ruben Wolff
When I actively subscribe to a newsletter, I'm going to read it, or at least the parts I'm interested in. When I receive newsletter I didn't make much efforts to receive, I usually won't read it
Dimitris Karavias
Maybe one a day, usually Seth Godin's one cause it's short & insightful. I routinely unsubscribe from "aggregators" who just post a collection of articles.
Jenny Nicholson
i read them every day. but i also unsubscribe from ones i find myself not excited to open.
Divya Rajendran
@missjenny What you think your inbox pour with lost of emails while opening a mail for read newsletters? Have you used any software to seggregate newsletters?
Side Hustle Swipe
Not often, unless it's something I'm very very interested in. There's so much noise, it really needs to be vital.
Depends on the list/source.