How often do you use Product Hunt?

Helen Kaljusaar
104 replies
Daily? Weekly? Once in a while? Where my most active users at!? 🥳


Chris Lindner
I log in every workday. Great is there are new products released here every day.
Helen Kaljusaar
@cld Yes, same! I often forget to do it during the weekend and then get a little disappointed on Monday because I lost my streak again :D They've built a great gamification system.
Chris Lindner
@helen_kaljusaar Yes haha, my streak always stops at 5 days or 6 days. Then on monday I have to check more contents to avoid missing out the highlights on weekend.
Artyom Sviridov
Every single day :)
Logan Weaver
Definitely weekly and very close to every day!
It's only been a week since I signed up, but I'm using it daily! I like the community here, it seems everyone is quite helpful compared to some other communities I've found over the years. It's also useful to get a lot of nice tips from fellow makers.
Luc Fernandez
Daily! Consistency is key 🙌
Rob Slate
223 days daily so far 😅
Daniel Zaitzow
On a 70 day streak right now so likely much more than I should.
Daily no excuse 😅
Sergei Petrov
Every day 🥳🥳
Harper Camila
I use Product Hunt regularly, typically on a weekly basis. I find it to be a valuable platform for discovering new and innovative products and startups. However, the frequency of my usage may vary depending on my current projects and interests. There are times when I might use it more frequently, especially when I'm actively seeking new tools or ideas, and other times when I use it less often if I'm busy with other tasks.
Jawad Tijani
Everyyyday. Great community, advice and network! ;)
Rachel Olson
I check Product Hunt occasionally for industry insights and trends.