How many of you think there should be a chat feature at ph?

Naveed Rehman
139 replies
I think its something seriously missing 🤔


Umar Saleem
That would be awesome, but PH should sort out the current issues. Users are dealing with many problems like products and discussions not getting featured. And to top it off, the support isn't even responding properly.
Naveed Rehman
@umar_saleem i do agree that there some other issues like every other social network. hope theyd fix it.
Umar Saleem
@naveed_rehman Yeah, I think that should be how it goes unless those problems aren't messing up your main goal. If they are, then it's definitely something to worry about. Like, you can consider discussions not getting featured might not be as big a deal, but if your product isn't making it onto the featured list, that's a real problem that needs fixing.
Kirill Grebenjukov
@umar_saleem missed chat and DM capability were my main confusions at the beginning. But now I’m totally agree with @umar_saleem the problem that people made huge preparations for launches and their product just doesn’t featured on the launch day and you can’t do really anything with it is the main and huge problem that should be addressed ASAP
@umar_saleem I’ve heard from other founders support is horrible. But I can also imagine how many people reach out to them
Umar Saleem
@slimmy82 I guess @kgrebenjukov summed it up perfectly
Gianluca Cinellu
That would be awesome and a gret way to meet common minded people
@naveed_rehman did you know about our virtual PH meet up group? We have a call tomorrow actually at 11am EST
Matteo Zumpano
Yes they need this feature, it would be awesome!
I wouldn't be bothered if there was only a basic messaging feature, too 😁.
Naveed Rehman
@mho22 yes, basic dm would b fun
Andrew Noah
Better customer service: Chatting can provide a more personal and immediate way for users to get help from PH support staff.
Naveed Rehman
@andrew_noah well that intercom is already available to chat with ph team. i was talking about chat dm between users
Nico Spijker
@andrew_noah There is already a live PH support chat on the site (bottom right side chat bubble)
Both and is available at the moment for around $10
Naveed Rehman
@mapnamer it should be an integrated part of ph. thanks for sharing
Sajin S
Never thought about it, sounds interesting.
Naveed Rehman
@sajin_s i hv been thinking abt it for quiet some time
Nico Spijker
I would not be a big fan of that, it would lead to excessive inbound. I have a LinkedIn and Twitter on my profile so people that want to connect with me already have different channels where they can do so.
Billy Boy
It could be beneficial for specific purposes, like dedicated chat rooms for launched products or AMA sessions with makers. But overloading the platform with general chat might distract from its core function of product discovery.
Christin Koehler
I'm all for strengthening the Product Hunt community! A well-designed chat feature could foster deeper connections, collaborations, and even friendships among hunters. Plus, it could provide valuable feedback channels for makers.
Hassan Shah
Increased sales opportunities: Chatting can help businesses connect with potential customers and answer their questions in real time.
Claudia Lyons
What about a hybrid approach? Instead of full-blown chat, consider implementing temporary comment threads under each product or threaded replies to existing comments. This would offer focused discussion without cluttering the interface.
Naveed Rehman
@claudia_lyons Interesting thoughts. But I am more into DMs
That would be awesome and a gret way to meet people who is warmhearted and willing to share
George Aleesu
Great suggestion! Really important. I agree with you
Igor Lysenko
Definitely yes, this is really missing.