How early in the day do you typically check your social media accounts?

Samar Ali
30 replies
a. When I awaken b. Not until later in the day c. Always and anytime d. Another answer


It is my day's very first and very last activity.
Business Marketing with Nika
As soon as I can open my eyes. :-D
Kathleen Smith
Just randomly. Usually within 2 hours after getting up..
As soon as I wake up πŸ˜…. It is a very bad habit im trying to change this year but at times, it feels immposible.
HyunGun Jung
@sandradjajic Yeah, same for me too I'm actually considering getting an alarm clock ⏰ so I can leave my phone out of my bedroom.
Mian Azan
multiple times a day
Kirill Sokol
I'm scrolling social media when I sleep - i use Neuralink HAH ))
Apollon Latsoudis
When I wake up but I have people in rotation taking care of time zones on joint accounts
Adam Kershner
First thing in the morning because I don't have the mental capacity to deal with the things I see on there later in the day
a. helps me to wake up
Pedro De la nubeβœͺΒ πŸ§ͺ
After doing the important tasks of the day. πŸ’ͺπŸš€
Jack Davies
Usually, I check my social media accounts during breakfast, so pretty early. But I know it's not the best habit, and I've heard some people prefer waiting until later in the day to avoid distractions. Different strokes for different folks, I guess!
Richard Gao
As soon as I get up, which is usually 4am
A: Always and anytime! Actually, it's more of an addiction than anything else
I used to be A, but now I try to check 1-2 hours after I wake up. It's been one of the best changes and allows me to think more clearly when I start my day!