How do you stay updated on industry trends and discoveries?

Muhammad Anees
15 replies
Any favorite newsletters, podcasts, or blogs you'd recommend to fellow community members?


Daniel Evans
I've formed a habit of joining relevant LinkedIn groups. The discussions are like real-time trend reports, and it's fascinating to see different perspectives from professionals in the field.
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@daniel_evans7 That's a great strategy! LinkedIn groups indeed offer valuable insights. What are some standout discussions or perspectives you've come across recently?
Mertcan Esmergül
I think twitter is the best resource for this. I just try to stay active on twitter and follow indie makers there, it's the best way so far. Most of the newsletters are for sponsorships, I barely find any newsletter that is useful.
We just started on Twitter where we discuss building in public as well as industry trends :)
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@sandradjajic That's fantastic! Love the focus on building in public and industry trends. Excited to check out Morning Maker Show for valuable insights.
Gavin Marshall
I rely on 'QuickBytes Digest for a quick industry pulse check.' It's a compilation of short, impactful summaries of the week's top stories—a perfect Friday afternoon read.
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@gavin_marshall Thanks for sharing, sounds like QuickBytes Digest is a gem for staying updated! How do you prioritize the stories you delve into further from the pulse check? Any specific criteria or just what catches your eye?
Hayden Foster
Networking events are goldmines for staying updated. Chatting with industry peers keeps me in the loop and provides valuable insights you won't find in newsletters or blogs.
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@hayden_foster Great point! Networking events indeed offer a unique perspective. How do you approach initiating conversations at these events to ensure you gather the most insightful information?
Sansa Grey
I regularly scan industry publications, attend webinars, follow thought leaders on social media, and analyze reputable research to stay updated on trends and discoveries.
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@sansa_grey Great approach! It's fantastic that you're actively engaging with industry publications, webinars, and thought leaders. Any specific favorite sources or recent discoveries that stood out to you?