How do you start your day? I started mine with a product launch 🫣🫣

Rihab Zaidi
34 replies
How we start our days sets the tone for how it's going to unfold. I usually start with a walk with my dog, a healthy breakfast then get to work by responding to emails. Today, however, it was a bit different. I got with my team for breakfast then we started co-working together while we launched FlowFinitee on Product Hunt. How about you? How do you start your day? Also, I appreciate any support you can give for our product and will be very grateful for comments, and any feedback πŸ’šπŸ‘‡


An amazing day.
haha .. do it every day πŸ˜‰
Rihab Zaidi
@xeno1 launching a product? No way, once at a time is enough 🫣
Sidra Arif Ali
hahaha, perks of being a founder. Well congratulations on your launch.
Asim Javed
Just followed your Product, Please take a look at Goodluck
Starting the day with a product launch sounds exciting! I usually begin my day with a cup of coffee and a quick review of my to-do list.
Jessica Ebden
With a cup of coffee and mobile use.
Safina Seth
It sounds like you have a positive and collaborative morning routine, especially with the launch of FlowFinitee on Product Hunt. It's always refreshing to mix up the routine for special occasions. I'll be sure to check out FlowFinitee on Product Hunt and provide support. Best of luck with your launch! πŸ’šπŸš€
Rihab Zaidi
@safina_seth Absolutely, it's always great to break the routine for a change! Thank you for the support, I appreciate it:)
Darla H Monroe
Best of luck with your product success.
Crystal J
Haha, same!!!
Saniyyah Prima
I usually start it by drinking a glass of water and scrolling X to see what I missed last night πŸ˜Έ by the way, congrats for your launch!
Quinn Green
Checked out FlowFinitee, and I'm impressed!
Aman Sharma
I start my day with morning rituals. It involves the following - 1. 10 mins breathing meditation - Clears my mind. 2. Morning journal and thoughts - Settles my thoughts. 3. Today's things to do. 4. Check emails and messages if there anything else urgent. 5. Check and set my calendar.
Rihab Zaidi
@amanintech that's impressive! Do you have any challenges sticking to that routine?
Aman Sharma
@rihab_zd ofcourse. Its more challenging when you skip 2 days in a row due to travel mostly. But habit stacking help eliminate it.
Hussein Hashish
wim hof breathing sesh, workout, then work
Already SUpported Rihab, looking forward to your launch success today ( :
Igor Lysenko
I started with my daily tasks and plan to move on to fixing problems in the product.
Nguyen Vi
Watering my plants πŸ₯°
Jaxon Smith
For me, I started with the cup of tea, Congrats on your product launch! Start by celebrating achievements, reviewing priorities, and setting clear goals for the day.