How do you manage recruiting in your companies?

Filippo Calabrese
4 replies
To prepare for the launch of my product, RecruitPage ( ), I carried out a market analysis on the mechanisms used by companies to manage applications for their job offers and what I found was this, on a sample of about 100 companies from 3 to 50 employees, Italian and German: 1) Generally speaking, there is a lot of disorganisation in the management and filing of candidates' CVs. 2) It is often difficult for HR staff to keep track of the status of recruitment, especially as information on candidates is often fragmented across several platforms 3) companies with fewer employees (and consequently smaller turnovers) often do not use application management software because it is considered too expensive 4) Many companies use the contact forms on their websites to request CVs from candidates, but often emails are lost because the contact forms do not work. Apparently webmasters often forget to configure the email sending correctly :) I would be curious to compare this slice of information that I obtained on my reference sample with what happens within your companies. You who work with digital on a daily basis (otherwise you would not be here), how do you deal with this issue in your companies?


Notified! Know there are lots of problems to be solved in the recruitment space, especially smaller startups struggle a ton with the cost of recruiting. Filippo based on ur experience what are the biggest pain points in the recruiting industry and specifically how can RecruitPage reduce cost of recruitment? side note, launched my first product Smartrazor today and any feedback/critique would mean the world to us!
Business Marketing with Nika
Huge corps usually do recruitments in many rounds. Still, for startups, it is more "personal" and I have experience with these starting companies – they typically reach out to somebody from their initiative because they previously have seen the good work of that person. So I would also differentiate the stage of the company.
Filippo Calabrese
@busmark_w_nika thank you so much for your feedback Nika! We're actually on an early stage with RecruitPage and those kind of feedbacks are really much appreciated in order to plan future development and rush adjustments! If you have some time, I would really appreciate your feedbacks about our website :)
Business Marketing with Nika
@filippo_calabrese The only thing: I would get there social media icons at the bottom (if you have for this project) :)