How do you maintain a work-life balance?

savio lavino
17 replies


André J
Launching soon!
work life integration ™️
My company doesn't allow me to work for over 10 hours straight ahahaha THE ONLY WAY TRULY I'm google's dream boi fr what about you?
mono lim
It is really difficult.
Tanya Pereira
I think it's important to have a clear division! When working giving it your all, when personal life calls, give it your all :)
Nil Jhonson
I prioritize setting boundaries by designating specific work hours and unplugging after. I make time for hobbies, exercise, and quality time with loved ones to recharge. Regularly reassessing and adjusting my schedule helps me maintain balance.
Weston Skipworth
Take breaks throughout the day.
Isabel Hely
Get enough sleep.
Steve Liu
Establish healthy routines and habits first. When setting the routines, consider factors including setting clear boundaries for work hours, allocating time for personal activities, and ensuring regular breaks. Once you have the healthy routines established, you don’t need to think about the balance.