How do you engage with your team?

Mary Rumyantzeva, PhD
8 replies
In my team, we all work remotely. We stay connected and in sync through our regular Zoom check-ins, which have been super effective. However, I've been feeling like we're missing something. How do you engage with your team? Do you hold virtual team-building events or online games?


Sebastian Karges
For us it has been very helpful to collaboratively work on the agendas of meetings. Keeps the meetings sharp and to the point, ensures everyone's voice is heard and is more engaging for team members as well.
Marvin Mändle
We often use spontaneous Slack-huddles or Crewting. When you are interested in connecting employees take a look at our product. We work for more than two years now on a solution to bring remote workers and teams together.
same only teams and WhatsApp message !
Ashutosh Raj
Slack huddles, constant catch-ups and bi-weekly All-hands!!
Bob WIlsey
Slack huddles, constant catch-ups and bi-weekly All-hands!!
Gurkaran Singh
Hey there! Gurkaran Singh here, the tech enthusiast with a knack for all things data science and embedded programming. Working remotely can sometimes feel like we're all floating in our own little bubbles, even with regular Zoom check-ins. To spice things up and foster better team engagement, have you considered incorporating some fun virtual team-building events or online games into the mix? Sometimes a little friendly competition or a shared virtual experience can really bring a team closer together. It's all about finding that perfect balance between productivity and playfulness, right? Cheers to building stronger connections with your remote team!