How do you approach work-life balance?

Jacopo Tallini
6 replies
Ever experienced burnout? Ever felt that you were losing life and all the special moments in your life? How did u manage it?


Yannell Selman
I try to optimize work time and non-work time. When I’m working, I’m aware of the drivers of burnout: workload, control, community, fairness, values, and rewards. I prioritize a ton to manage workload and try to build community inside and outside of work. I also take my work recovery very seriously. I take one full day off each week. During that time, I try to maximize emotional, cognitive, and physical distance from work by doing High Quality Time-Off experiences like surfing, outdoor yoga, going to a museum, or cooking at home. Our team also uses Burnout Bot on Slack, of course! We’re launching on 6/22, follow us!
Yannell Selman
@jacopo_tallini yeah! For me that’s enough. Doing this work I’ve realized that everyone needs different amounts of work recovery tho! Some need a short break every day (going for a walk or run) others will do a big sabbatical or break from work every 5-6 years.
Jacopo Tallini
@yannell_selman that's cool! Do you manage to work well by taking just one day off per week?
Ed Lavalette
Several years ago, I was working 60 hours a week and weekends and was burning out. I had to switch jobs to find more balance and even look hard at companies and their culture to make sure I didn't get myself that wrapped up in work again. I'm much more balanced now with enough room to start learning a programming language and start working on a newsletter.
Yannell Selman
@ed_lavalette I love this because it emphasizes how important the company culture is vs just thinking about burnout as a problem that individuals face.