How can individuals effectively manage and prioritize time?

Esra Gokdemir
5 replies


Calendar placeholders for each day. Adjust each task with over/under for time and add task notes (before & after) in the cal invite.
Anoir Houmou
Prioritise your tasks and alternate what you're working on
Ksenia Khriptovich
Planning, planning, planning... I also fing the ABCDE method very useful to prioritize tasks.
Joe Gonzales
To effectively manage and prioritize time, individuals can start by creating a daily or weekly schedule, identifying important tasks and setting realistic deadlines. They should also minimize distractions, delegate when possible, and learn to say no to non-essential commitments.
Donald Allen
Individuals can effectively manage and prioritize time by creating a detailed schedule, setting specific goals, and breaking down tasks into manageable chunks. It's also essential to routinely review and adjust the plan based on changing priorities and unexpected interruptions.