How can I use AI to improve SEO?

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7 replies


Anastasiia Protsykevych
You can use AI-powered ChatGPT to create SEO content for your blog page, website or social media. For instance, I have created dozens of useful keywords and popular hashtags for my product. Additionally, with the help of ChatGPT, I created a blog article in just half an hour. This article reflects ChatGPT's point of view on software development outsourcing trends, using the most popular keywords in my niche.
John Lins
For technical SEO (automatically generating and inserting meta data and alt text into your site) take a look at For content SEO (Writing SEO-friendly content) take a look at SurferSEO Both of these services use AI Disclaimer: I am the developer of Loyae
@johnlins thats a coincidence that you mentioned surfer seo, I just heard about it 1 hour ago. The thing about AI is that it throws out great structure. As long as you are a good copywriter you can quickly mold it into a great piece. It saves hours of time
John Lins
@julian_leahy That's absolutely right! But make sure you pair it with good technical SEO, content is king, but not everything.
Fred Lukens - Launching Today!
Try the SEO pack that will be launching next week: 20 minutes for a SEO friendly blog