How are small teams keeping on top of socials? We need help 😭

Richard Awoyemi
3 replies
Right now, we're trying to: 1. Build Nack. 2. Manage multiple socials. 3. Respond to feedback. 4. Manage some BD stuff in the background. 5. Write blogs. 6. etc. But to be honest, managing socials is one of the hardest things to keep on top of. Any hints and tips would be greatly appreciated for staying on top of it while having such a small team. Also, any insight on post frequency, number of channels, etc., would be greatly appreciated.


Michael Cho
What are the painful / time consuming parts of "managing socials" for you?
Krishna Kumar
Templatize - Spend some time creating content libraries and templates that you can reuse to save time. Eg Responses to most frequent feedback Plan - Plan content and posting schedules in advance and keep stuff ready. Eg. instead of writing 5 blog posts a day, write all 5 at one go and schedule them to be posted automatically. Prioritize - with a small team, you cannot afford to spread yourselves thin. Prioritize where all and what all. Automate - use tools to discover, post and respond to material that is relevant to your business.
Neha Khan
Build sustainable audience and do posting with keeping check on analaytics and engaging with your audience, Try Social Champ that's a very easy app to use to manager social Champ