Have you ever hired an SEO Agency? You can use this post to rant if you had bad experience.

Lakshya Singh
7 replies
I read a post about someone who hired an SEO Agency that charged them $3000 per month but all they did was rewrite Meta Description. Have you gone through something like that?


Darya Skorokhod
I have opposite experience working with a SEO agency from Eastern Europe. They charged $400 per month and drove us great results in 7-9 months (the first results were seen after 3-4 months, and then it started working like a snowball)
Anish Sharma
Not hired yet but $3000 per month just for meta description is way too much...
Raju Singh
Well, there are many who just claim but there are very few who really know stuff. Been there and burnt up. You have to set parameters to evaluate stuff and have the eye to catch stuff early. You will make mistakes but realizing them early and mitigating them is the crux.