Going from $0 to $12,500 in 10 hours of launch!!!

Alec Nguyen
5 replies
Hey Product Hunt community! Just want to give you guys an update that I launched Afforai in the first 10 hours, we went from $0 to $12,500. Thank you so much for the support. If you want to take a look, here's the link: http://appsumo.8odi.net/3eR3xn


Ken Ito πŸ„
Looks like the page is blocked by my adblocker
Alec Nguyen
@ken_itox Have you tried disabling your adblocker?
Ken Ito πŸ„
@alec_afforai yep all good - just a fyi :)
Shabnam Katoch
Is it true? or just promotional?
Alec Nguyen
@shabnam_katoch Hi Shabnam, it's true, you can take a look at my LinkedIn.