Founders, it's the weekend hustle time! What's in your Playbook?

Syed Arsalan Amin
1 reply
Hey visionary founders, the weekend isn't a break, it's an opportunity! πŸš€ Share the top three actions you take during your weekend to fuel your startup's success. Ready, set, inspire! πŸ‘‡ #WeekendHustle


Daniel Zaitzow
1. Focus doing a few things that are for me as rewards: Sleep in, driving range in the morning, McMuffin and some hashbrowns (small wins) so I can feel excited to get back to work 2. Focus on easier work - Admin - Outreach - Building Captions etc. OR 3. Focus on exclusively creative / conceptual work I find that doing the stuff at either end of the spectrum for my mind is great - robotic repetitive OR highly creative and conceptual work allows me to feel like I am somehow. getting the most out of my weekend.. not sure if that makes sense!