Find laser focused target audience for Free

Jitesh Ghanchi ⭕
5 replies
I cold-emailed 40 people and got 2 paid users. What a perfect way to find a laser-focused target audience for free! Here's how I did it: Go to Google. Type: "content creators" "New York" "". Then, I used the "email extractor" Chrome extension to get emails and pasted them into a custom-coded Google Sheet to send emails to all of them, as I already have a Google Workspace email with which you can easily send up to 1000 emails per day. I used 100% plain text email, no links. I tried and tested many types of email marketing tools, but all of them add tracking codes that trigger a Google spam filter and land them in the updates or promotions folder. But here, I land directly in the primary inbox. Now you may be thinking about how I tracked paid users without any links or UTMs in plain emails. To track where they came from, I added one simple survey asking how they discovered us. They mentioned my email. I added this survey just after payment as part of the user onboarding process. I hope this helps you find your users.


Darius Bel 👑 SaaS Gems
Can you share the plain text email? Thanks for the tips!
@darius_bel here its ------- Subject: Struggling to monitize ? Hey there I hope this message finds you well! I know you create content because you love it, I also understand the challenges you face when it comes to monetization. It's a constant hustle, isn't it? That's why I made something called TapRefer to help people like you who create stuff online. It makes it easier to make money from what you do, without wasting time on brand collaborations or endless Google searches. With TapRefer, you can effortlessly discover and promote products you love, turning your passion into profit. Let me know if you're interested! Cheers, Jitesh Founder, TapRefer ---------------
Omar Faruk
This is simple yet brilliant. My kinda thing. Thanks for sharing.
Harsh Vyas
Thanks for sharing.