Explain Product Hunt to a newbie

I've recently joined and am still getting acquainted with the platform. Many of you have been here for a while. What advice would you give yourself for your first 30 days?


Thomas Halliday
A place where you can connect with similar people and share ideas. And obviously get free advertising if you're launching a product
Kateryna Ostapenko💙💛
@thomas_halliday Thanks. I get requests to support a launch from time to time, but at this point I need clarity as to what it means, do I need to follow, comment, test, rate. I am all in, just need a little bit of guidance.
Michael Shver
I'd recommend not being afraid to join discussions, write comments on discussion and launch pages and connect with others as much as you can. And not only here, but also on X, LinkedIn and other social media platforms. Especially if you are planning your own launch, you'll need all these connections for support!
Kateryna Ostapenko💙💛
@michaelshver Thank you. I am not planning a launch, but I have an app nearly for everything at work and personal life, so thought maybe it is a good platform to discover new products early.
Michael Shver
@kateryna_ostapenko_ it's It's definitely a good platform to discover new things, although it can be a bit overwhelming sometimes in this regard. 😅
Jon Whitby
Launching soon!
A community where creators showcase new products, apps, and tools. People can explore these new innovations, upvote their favourites, and discuss features and functionalities. You get out of it what you put in. Make connections, give product feedback, and join discussions.
Kateryna Ostapenko💙💛
@jonwhitby Great tips, thanks. Sounds interesting. I have been in Support for over a decade, love testing apps and give feedback to our product team, thought I might expand beyond that
Julia Engelsmann
Just try to be as active as possible and build a reach. Get involved in discussions, ask questions yourself and get in touch, read other people's products and support launches that inspire you
Ryan Zhang
Product Hunt is a vibrant community platform where innovators and tech enthusiasts come together to discover and share the latest apps, websites, hardware projects, and tech creations. It's like a daily tech festival where you can find groundbreaking products and get feedback from a passionate audience.
Business Marketing with Nika
A cool place where you will be the first to learn about new products and meet people with an entrepreneurial spirit.
Kateryna Ostapenko💙💛
@busmark_w_nika love this explanation, because I am not building anything myself, but I try different apps almost everyday, just in silence, now i get to talk about it
Business Marketing with Nika
@kateryna_ostapenko_ the same here. I build only communities and media channels so for me it is maybe a kind of publicity but no any product.
Milli Sen
Launch your product, build connections with fellow builders and learn something new.
Sarrah Pitaliya
It's an older version of Facebook to SaaS Founders or Product Owners :)) Definitely, the commercial version of FB.
I really like the atmosphere of this community.