Everyone talks about "cutting-edge" technology – but what does it really mean?🤔🤔

Nadia Zueva
7 replies
Well, I'm launching the app aesty.ai, a personal style curator. The app discovers your style, manages your wardrobe, and helps you with everyday dilemmas like "What to wear?" Does it sound "cutting-edge" or still not enough? What do you call "cutting-edge"? Share your thoughts! Launching the app within a month – let's stay in touch😉 Check out how it works: https://www.linkedin.com/company...


I believe its just mean they use the latest and optimized technology 😅, lets connect Nadia
Nadia Zueva
Launching soon!
Do you consider your product "cutting-edge"?🆕 and why?
Pablo Roig
Cutting-edge, sounds to me like ChatGPT language, isn´t? I will be keeping an eye your product.
Anshul Raghav
Tech invention can be categorised into 3 categories: 1. Building something that doesn’t exist and making a huge number of people use it 2. People buying your product even if it’s expensive before you have been established 3. Can only be used by small but highly intelligent group of people
Nadia, "cutting-edge" often refers to technology that's innovative and the first of its kind—your app fits the bill by smartly integrating AI to solve everyday fashion queries. It's the practical application of such tech in our daily lives that truly makes it cutting-edge.