Does your startup offer subscriptions only or one-time purchases too?

Peter Mick
16 replies
Does your startup offer only subscriptions or one-time purchases? Or a mix of both? :-)


Vasily Malyshev
Subscriptions. I remember there was a time when microsoft office was sold on CDs that you buy as a one time purchase and it stays with you forever... the good old times :) But now I feel like almost everything software related big or small runs on subscriptions.
Peter Mick
@stoicbasil it has been like that - I kind of miss those days as a consumer 😅 everything seems to be pretty much subscriptions these days, I do both but I'm strongly considering to shift towards subs only as the MRR really motivates solo founders :)
Vasily Malyshev
@thepetermick for sure! I used to run a software development agency where most of clients were on pay per project fee. One of the reasons I sold the company and moved to Saas is to get the subscription payment flow, hah :) But 100% agree that it felt so much better when everybody didn't ask for a subscription to do everything under the sun :)
Stefan Meyer
Looking to implement one off purchases but currently just Subscriptions
Mohamed Zakarya
We plan to generate revenue through subscriptions (a mix of monthly and yearly packages available) and one-time payments (a short-term solution for raising capital).
Cesar Hawke
Only one time purchase 😃
Peter Mick
@basisnerd Cool - is that for HTML templates?
Dmitrii Pashutskii
I launched with one-off purchases because I wanted to have first users. But eventually disabled it because I don't see how it would be sustainable. I assume it depends on the product and lifecycle of users.
Sherry Xena
Subscriptions only
Peter Mick
@sherryxena Nice - do you think one-time purchases could give you another revenue stream? I see many say they don't like subs - but yes it depends on product 100%