Do you work on the weekends?

Richard Fang
109 replies
I've always gotten a mixed review around working on weekends. Some prefer it to be a no work zone so they can start the work day week fresh but others like to mix it up. What do you do?


Eivind Håverstad
Hi Richard! As a side project entrepreneur, the weekends are necessary for building products. Still, I find it easier to get the momentum during regular workdays.
Richard Fang
@eivindhaa Yup! I think this is the case for me too
Tanoy Chowdhury
I do work on weekends, sometimes. I try to avoid it as much as I can, but on a few occasions my work bucket gets so full on the weekdays, that a few of the tasks spill over the weekend.
Eugene Hauptmann
I usually write articles and read books over the weekend. Most of the productive work happens during the weekdays.
Richard Fang
@eugenehp When I wasn't working on anything, this was exactly what I was doing 😊
Eugene Bochkov
Do you even separate weekends from weekdays when building your own product?
Richard Fang
@eugene_bochkov That's true! But not everyone on ProductHunt is working on their own product 😆
Jessica Gregson
Try to avoid it, but if I need to I do. I see it as one of the responsibilities of having my own business.
Alexander Kaufmann
I try to do the creative & enjoyable tasks for my side projects on the weekends and the "not-so-sexy-tasks" in the evenings of my workdays. That way I can still get a lot of energy on weekends and keep them as stress-free as possible.
Adrian Cruz
@valaaarmorghulis This is a balanced model, also there are some not-so-sexy tasks which can't wait until the weekend so I like to utilize the business hours of the work week to the max. 👌
Chandan Das
Yes if i get extra money
Mark Diego
I work on weekends, sometimes because I love what I do and I don't have time on weekdays. I try to avoid it because I think that disconnecting is important too.
Richard Fang
@mark_diego Yeah i think it's about finding that balance :)
Zaid Saifi
Absolutely, In fact especially in Lockdown I kind of started hating weekends as communication with my contractors or clients would be completely off and thus making the project a lot slower but that said working few hours on weekend definitely doesn't hurt.
Patrick Osadolor Abhulimen
I work only on Saturdays, the reason is that it enables me to conclude all the work of the week and submit the report to my boss.
Onindo Ahmed
Almost always! I use my weekends to declutter and reflect.
Begüm Bayram
I actually dont like but I am a student and my proffessors treat us like we are 7/24 workers
School work yes. Exhausting
Sanket Makhija
I believe that mixing weekends with relaxation as well as completing some portion of work on the weekends is a sound choice.
Richard Fang
@sanket_makhija Yeah that's what I am currently doing! Sports + a bit of work here and there
Rashmi Gupta
yes but not on the issues going on during the weekend, on something different
I do sometimes, because I have a lot of tasks to do and I run out of time to complete all of them when working Monday through Friday.
Stan Rymkiewicz
I only work on Sunday evening just prep my week ahead. 2h tops. Gives me focus on Monday morning and right energy to execute.
No, I use my weekends to develop new skills and create side projects that can improve my development.
Allison Braund-Harris
What are weekends? #entrepreneurship