Do you see Product Hunt as a directory (listing of products) or as a community?

Joshua Dance
8 replies


Nadir Arda Oral
Besides seeing it as a meeting and sharing ideas platform for entrepreneurs from all over the world, it is a wonderful feature that it is a common platform for the promotion of products!
Michele Mossali
Both 😉 but mainly as a directory!
Rosie Sherry
I see it as both, they co-exist.
Krishna Kumar
Mainly as a community. Look at products more when they come up in the discussions. Only occasionally at the products tab
Alexander Dolton
I see most of the people only use it to get the badge
Yassin Bouacherine
@alexander_dolton I seen something similar with people posting the same type of post to get upvotes. Their strategy is probably to run the numbers, gets upvotes and followers within their goal to build a community around their future products. But I don't think this strategy is meaningful when it comes to converting those into paying customers. I would be curious to know the results behind this. It's similar to "window shopping", it may look great upfront, with a lots of people passing through but how many would get in and buy? I joined PH 2 months ago, not sure what's all about yet until I am finished with my MVP. Surely using only PH would be a huge mistake! But that's a great place to exchange, I supposed, it's quite responsive around here.