Build in Public? What are your thoughts

Tyrone Robb
13 replies
Hey everyone, I have seen a few people lately talk about building in public. What are your thoughts on it? What should and shouldn't be shared?


Hjalte Niehorster
Most of them, have a delay between what they post and how far they actually are. Everybody is scared of stealing your idea…. I still have to come across one, story, of an actual stolen idea based on built in public. Secondly…. It is time consuming. You have to write, blog and vlog….
Tyrone Robb
Launching soon!
@hhn ah, I have only seen a few tweets or LinkedIn posts about it. Do you do this? Who have you seen do it well?
Mohammed Kheezar Hayat
The 'idea' as such is usually just a window into an entire thought process and temperament. For someone to be able to steal the idea, they would have to copy all of that as well, and then on top have the motivation to implement it to the exclusion of whatever else they would have been doing. People are mostly too busy with their own stuff to copy your idea. They however aren't too busy to give you their feedback. So build in public.
Tyrone Robb
Launching soon!
thanks, @zaryat it seems so illogical, but it kind of seems to work. Do you BIP? How has it been going?
Sawyer Wyatt
Accept the power of building in public This is the best approach to foster openness, trust, and a devoted user base.
Tyrone Robb
Launching soon!
@sawyer_wyatt how far does it scale? Is it still an early stage experiment or are the examples of long term applications?
Alex Couture
Always on the back of my mind. Not in my nature to be so open to the world but the benefits seem to be so worth it.
Tyrone Robb
Launching soon!
@alex_couture maybe it would help you build a more open community for Team Day?
Jose Garrido
I’m planning on building an MVP soon for a new prosuct totally in public on X. How donyou suggest I go about ot? Livestream or just post updates with screenshots?
Kellie O Hara
It's a personal choice and depends on your objective. I wrote a short article about I here which includes a founder who is very effectively building in public. Hope it lends some insight
Ruben Boonzaaijer
I think it's a great way to get feedback, and also fun for you to look back on. It's also a good way to build an audience, because it's relatable to a lot of people