🎁 Build a strong brand with this FREE Notion + AI Checklist

Joana PFA
3 replies
Building a strong brand isn’t as easy as it seems. That is why I have created this free step-by-step checklist template to help you build your brand from 0 to scroll-stopping! βœ… Easy to use βœ… Step-by-step and guides βœ… AI-generated recommendations https://www.notion.so/strategyfi...


Daniel Zaitzow
Super smart to offer the customer persona and brand positioning as freebies to get people in the door! Do you have any macro level advice for people starting from scratch in building there brand?
Joana PFA
@dzaitzow This may seem obvious but a lot of people rush through it: make sure you know your core. Have a clear idea of your Why, How, and What.