At what moment in your StartUp did you realize, Shoot!!! this is going to be successful?

Sage Will
7 replies


Rashmi Gupta
when you get a customer who just come to website, install, use and pay by the method without you getting know that you will make is amazing feeling
Rashmi Gupta
@trappisone yes, we have come far from there, bit I will always remember that moment
Sage Will
@rashjbp Have you experienced such feeling yet ?
When you no longer have to actively promote and the message spreads passively. Good moment :)
Sage Will
@robinkunz Did you experience that in your start up?
@trappisone Yes, I was involved at the time. But it no longer exists.
Kartik J. 👷
For that, you first need to define your matrices. Sometimes what looks like success is not success just a bubble. What is the definition of success for you? Getting enough no. of customers? Getting consistent growth or contestant numbers. Is it due to temporary growth or your customer is staying? Basically churn rate.. etc. ''When you identify what a significant number of customers are actually willing to pay for, then your company has a good shot at making it. Once that happens, you have the sign that your startup will be a star.''