Are you used to listening to music during your work? If yes, what type?

My music is graded according to the "difficulty" of the work: Tasks that need to be done quickly (eg customer service) - I use electronics and techno (Prodigy). I have to spend more time on something (graphics) - then I listen to my soul. When I need maximum concentration (copywriting, creating ideas, video production) - I go without music.


maryam yousefi
Classical music is an effective type of music to listen to while working because its sounds are developed around piano, string or woodwind instrument composition. This type of music also has no lyrics, which may make it easier to focus and stimulate the mind.
Salar Davari
Not really. And I think others shouldn't too. It distracts the mind.
Alex Nix
Launching soon!
@salar__davari It is very subjective and depends on each individual.
Business Marketing with Nika
@salar__davari I think that it depends on the activity you are doing. My friend did research to earn his master's degree in psychology and gave me a task to listen to music while learning some poems. We found out that I was able to remember most of the poem during the rock music. 😁🀘🀘
I found that house music helps me to concentrate on work 🎡
GermΓ‘n Merlo
Sure. It depends of the day but I can't do it without music!
Kyle Henz
I prefer slow music.
Neel Patel
Something without vocals and also that I have heard a million times, just to keep me focussed on my work more.
Abi P
Not throughout work but sometimes when I lack focus I put on Yanni's top 100 songs and just listen to the instruments creating magic.
silky 46
yeeeessss, i heardr music everywhere i am doing someting ! i love playing indonesian music
Yes, I am an addict.
Mansi Trivedi
I do tasks that require concentration and thoughts without music. I usually listen to a good song before sitting down to do those tasks. πŸ˜…πŸ˜… Repetitive and tiresome tasks with loud dance music 😎😎
Business Marketing with Nika
@mansi_trivedi1 Can you share some examples of that music? :-)
Jake Harrison
Yes, the soft music
Yep, slow music keeps my focus.
Deepshikha Dhankher
I don't usually listen to music while working. but sometimes instrumental music does help.
Carl Cindy
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Tegan Bradleys
Yeah, it boosts up the focusing.
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It's interesting to see how you tailor your music choices to different types of tasks. Music can indeed be a powerful tool for enhancing productivity and focus. Thanks for sharing your approach! πŸŽ΅πŸ’ΌπŸ–₯️
Philipp Shay
Certainly. My music choice varies depending on my mood. I might listen to rap, classical music, or even house and techno at different times.
I don't understand how people could concentrate on their task while their minds and ears are in another world!
Business Marketing with Nika
@ali_shaheen I think it depends on the type of work. I rarely can concentrate but if it something creative, like designing visual or simple changes in Photoshop, I appreciate some background noise.
Claire Wiley
definitely no lyrics, but I do love some background music 🎡
Video game soundtracks work great for work! Bonus if its from a game you like. Some of them are designed for focus
Business Marketing with Nika
@atik_hossain Can you share youtube link? If they are available also there? For example I downloaded this one from Dark Chronicle:
Never played the game but saw the track as a child so I like it. :-D