Are you going to work this weekend?

Maurizio Isendoorn
53 replies
I'll be travelling to Jordan tomorrow, so I'm afraid I won't get to working this weekend. But normally I work 6 days, all day long, and on Sunday I don't do any work. How about you, founders?


Absolutely, Maurizio! Diving into some exciting projects this weekend and can't wait to see the progress.
Zion Huang
7 days a week
Michael Shver
Since the launch is getting closer and closer, I can't skip days. I need to do the most to get the most out of it! 🔥 Good luck on your trip!
Pablo Roig
@michaelshver Same to us! But spoiler, when you´re already launch you continue the same rithm
Yami Sun
Launching soon!
@michaelshver @pabloroig_clous Even busier. We're launching "Copus” soon and would appreciate your support and feedback:
 Thank you!
Wisani Shilumani
Weekends are when I work the most. I'm also launching this weekend, so extra work!
Igor Lysenko
I work 7 days a week and won't rest.
Nachiket Patel
Yes as we are launching our product this Tuesday.
I am trying to start keeping my work-life in balance and therefore give myself proper time to rest and recover during weekends, but it is not always succeeding :D I hope to enjoy my weekend to fullest this time, since we took off to a seaside!
Amanda Silmon
I work 7 days a week
Yes depends on the priority of task but taking breaks and enjoying leisure time on weekends is essential for feeling energized and refreshed. Prioritizing self-care helps reduce stress and boosts creativity for a productive week ahead.
Nilesh Jethwa
Yes I am launching this sunday. I have been working very hard for the past 6 months. My link builder with Data visualization is launching this Sunday. I really need your support Thank you very much
Boris Markarian
I think only on Saturday
Isa Tanis
yes, I'll work at night. the weekend days are my family's.
Luka Brzin
I've been working everday for the past 3 months and probably will be for at least another 2. It's hard, but it's worth it.
Vitor Seabra
Regular work here! 5 days a week and 8h a day