Are you actually using Chat-GPT regularly and what for?

Janine N
7 replies
I'm super interested in learning if people actually use Chat-GPT seriously for their work. I try using it every now and again for research, copywriting and translations, but I wouldn't say it is a staple part of my working week yet. What about you guys?


Dexter Awoyemi
I've used it every day since it was released 😅 I'd guess my breakdown as... • 70% code (including translations) • 10% to write content • 15% research • 15% thinking aid
Janine N
@dextersjab nice! thanks for that insight! I love chat GPT for translations - it just works so well! Also am starting to use it more regularly for research, but you I find you have to double check the sources!
Dexter Awoyemi
@janine_nitz Agree, plus we need to double-check sources on the Internet. And GPT is no better than the data it's trained on!
Alex Todd
I use it almost every day: product simulations, requirements, and architecture; marketing planning and content creation. I also use the OpenAI API to integrate natural language into the applications I am developing.
Janine N
@alex_todd thanks for your reply! What kind of product simulations do you use GPT for?
Alex Todd
@janine_nitz, we simulated the entire application. Then we simulated our soon to be released Slack plugin that integrates with OpenAI and ReliablyME.
Janine N
@alex_todd ok, that's so cool! Looks like you're trying to solve a complex topic there with ReliablyME. Great idea to start out with a simulation of the application. Good luck with it all!