Animated profile pictures - yay or nay?

Neel Patel
22 replies
I just thought to experiment with my profile picture to kind of grab more attention. What do you think about it? Do you think I should go back to normal :') EDIT: I got bored looking at it and removed it :P


Daxeel Soni
Both are good. Mostly I prefer animated ones for product pictures, not for profile ones. Your picture looks cool!
Oleg Naumenko
I'd rather you go back to normal 😬
Elena Tsemirava
I also prefer normal pictures. Animated ones irritate me.
Umar Saleem
Animated profile pictures are great, but...
Kia Kamgar
Nope. *unless there is an option to turn them off
Daniel Zaitzow
I personally hate them on company and personal profiles on PH. Gives me a headache ahah
Philipp Jackson
Definitely eye catching, but a bit annoying :)
Henry Habib
it can be fun and eye-catching, but fast animations can be a bit annoying
lol If you building product about ACGN do so!
Artyom Sviridov
Whatever works for you, I guess :D They're both fine in my book, but some people find them irritating.
savio lavino
Yeah, I can see this new trend. These somehow look fascinating.
Alexander Watts
I love the gifs that people use on Ph, But i am unable to create one for myself.
Savia Salaria
Great, please suggest any tool.
I'll definitely get more attention that way :)
Oleh PF
Absolutely on all 💯 % 😉