AMA. I just launched Chatcare 📣 🎉 🚀

Prasad Pilla
6 replies
Chatcare is a ChatGPT-based customer support platform that helps businesses reduce their customer support efforts by up to 60%.


Iskandar Chacra
I'm curious about building a ChatGPT based app but haven't had the chance to do so yet. What was the biggest challenge in building using ChatGPT?
Prasad Pilla
@iskandarchacra The biggest challenge was the prompts. Getting it to generate good-quality answers took a lot of time. When I fixed one aspect, something else broke. Now that there's fine-tuning available for GPT3.5, I think it should be much easier. I'd recommend fine-tuning for your use case.
Prasad Pilla
@olenabomko thanks a ton, Olena. Excited for your launch soon 😍