AI no-code tools are ridiculously hyped, don't you think? 😅

Patryk Pijanowski
3 replies
I mean, if you can whip up something in just 5 minutes using AI, does it really offer any substantial value to the end consumer? It's like, where's the uniqueness and creativity in that? There's this thing called a "barrier to entry," which suggests that when you put in time and effort, you want to create something that's not just another run-of-the-mill product. But so many of these AI-powered, no-code platforms seem to offer nothing more than a basic template-based generator. It's pretty disappointing, to be honest. #AI#NoCode#lowcode


Patryk Pijanowski
They are and will eventually become the future! Artificial intelligence will assist us in programming, enabling us to do it faster. 😄 I believe AI will permeate nearly every aspect of our lives in the coming years.
Alec Nguyen
that's very valid point, but also these run of the mill products get people into the startup scene. When you look at it from another angle, it's a starting point that gets people to start innovate. Those that continue to innovate from their product will stand out. that's my story. Started with an GPT wrapper then created a whole new framework for AI to operate and answer, literally 5x more accurate than chatgpt.
I think it's just gonna up the bar for developers! Democratization of technology always lowers barrier to entry and creates more competition pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Also, i think the "barrier to entry" these days lies more in the distribution. Like u said, theres less of a tech moat, and it's more about who can get their product seen and trusted by the most people.