Agile and the future of work requires asynchronous facilitation and collaboration tooling!

Royce Wong
7 replies
What are the must have features of a SaaS tool when collaborating with cross functional and geo dispersed teams asynchronously?


My biggest challenge with asynch collaboration with agile teams are getting them to do the pre work. IE: adding commentary into docs; providing timely responses; defining what they actually need to get things done.
Royce Wong
@hi_marizsa thanks for adding your thoughts. I agree, engagement is quite difficult, it comes down to the feeling of accountability and trust.
@roycewong which is why we enable asynch work but I think key here is accountability (not to me I’m the PgM, but the team needs is among themselves.)
Royce Wong
The ones that come to mind are: - Messaging - Presence - Scheduling - Notifications
Sherry Xena
Waiting for sharing
Royce Wong
@sherryxena can you expand on this?
Royce Wong
@sherryxena is this in reference to the pain associated with waiting for a response? I personally have found that to be one of my biggest hurdles.