A kind reminder to know your self-worth!

Slim Geransar
17 replies
I know we're all so focused on building and at times comparing ourselves to others. Growing up, we're inevitably shaped by external forces—money, appearance, abilities, and the people around us. These influences can chip away at our sense of self-worth. Yet, it's crucial to remember: imperfection is the hallmark of humanity. At our core, each of us is innately worthy. While our self-esteem may ride the waves of these external pressures, our inherent worth remains untouched. I've battled with recognizing my own worth for much of my life, but I'm committed to the journey towards embracing happiness and self-love, just as I am. Have you had self worth issues? Let's get deep!


Rihab Zaidi
I love this " imperfection is the hallmark of humanity." thanks for sharing this reminder!
@rihab_zd Rihab you know, there is a saying, a perfect thing is never borned, things gets perfect with time 🔥
@rihab_zd exactly! Everyone is enough just as they are!
Business Marketing with Nika
My god! I am an expert at bringing myself down (I do not need other people for that). 😀
@busmark_w_nika i was the same Nika 😅
@busmark_w_nika well you now just need to be an expert at bringing yourself up!!
Business Marketing with Nika
@slimmy82 I will be working on that! 😇🙏
Hey Man @slimmy82 , long time, how are you doing? i would want to share a story of myself. Back in university days i would often think what i want to do in life and what purpose should i serve. Interestingly it took 7 years when i finally found out the purpose and what i want to serve. the reason i'm sharing this because the learning is, the imagination or thinking is it first key. Then the rest will be driven by the nature. So yes the commitment to something is the starting point so everyone should be start giving a thought regarding this.. the reality is what you think, so start thinking 👊
@istiakahmad thanks for sharing. I’m 42 and still don’t know my purpose
@slimmy82 I believe you will get to know soon. Everyone has their own timeline ( :
Prem Saini
Thanks for sharing this reminder slim!
Kate Ramakaieva
Hey Slim! Thanks, your supportive words are just in time 🤗
@kate_ramakaieva glad to hear it Kate. You are enough just as you are
Terrence Kelleman
Thank you for raising this awareness Slim! I'm actually digging into this and spending some time looking into the proverbial mirror and seeking to understand the root causes of undervaluing myself. True Story: When I was accepting the Inc's Fastest Growing company (top 5000) award for the 3rd time I still felt like I didn't belong and that people would "find out" who I really was. So deep - getting much better but learning all the time.
@terrence_kelleman wow! Thanks for sharing Terrence. Perfect example of how we are all battling our own thoughts at any level and period in our lives. Congrats by the way!! That’s huge