Are you sleeping okay?

Sonica Arora
7 replies
I have been finding it hard to fall asleep these days and it is kind of annoying because I can't work efficiently or get into the flow state easily unless I am fully rested. Are some of you experiencing this too?


Judith Ackerman
If you're working from home are stuck home, you probably aren't tired enough. A good tip is to workout as often as possible and slip some brisk walking in between. At least that has helped me greatly.
Mirko Maccarrone
Hi Sonia, I will be launching a personalised course on how to improve sleep through the food that we eat and our habits presented by a leading sleep specialist. I will be happy to let you know once it goes live if you are interested in improving your sleep :) My website is | The World 1st Tailored e-learning platform!
Akash Nidhi
Try to block half an hour to one hour for some kind of physical activity like running, cycling if you are in a place where it's safe to go outside or practice yoga, exercise that would help get better sleep. Try to make it a habit of doing that in the same time. It would help your work as well. I usually do once my office work is done, that would help me reset my mind and helps to focus on my startup work.
Doris Ferguson
Yeah. I feel your pain. last few weeks I am sleeping for 2-3 hours. Daily routine, remote work have impact on me a lot
Sumit Datta [dwata] 👋
Hello Sonica, I have been struggling with sleep for about 6 years now. I have undergone full all-night tests in a sleep clinic. I have been tested in multiple ways. I suffer from "Sleep Maintenance Insomnia" which means I have super fragmented sleep. This affects my cognition during the day and I have suffered from the ill effects over years. There is not easy solution. I have anxiety issues and depressive tendencies so there are multiple issues at play. Things that work for me are keeping to a routine, moving away from a goal drive work-life, meditating, having thick blinds on windows (I am super light sensitive). These help but I always have a visible lack of sleep. Activities surely help, so surely pick on up if you do not have. And check with a medical practitioner.
Anamika Chaudhary
My schedule keeps going on and off. I end up working really late in the night and it almost becomes morning by the time I sleep. Then when I realize my schedule is too off, I start trying to bring it back to normal. This whole process wastes a lot of time and productivity. So just a few days back I have decided, no matter what I am gonna sleep in time!!
Kevin Olejniczak
If you go to bed every day and wake up at different times, then your life is chaos, which brings you a poor sleep. Poor sleep means zero productivity, focus, and concentration. I've been through this, and I don't want to experiment. It was hard for me to fall asleep because I had hip pain. That's after I suffered a foot injury. I went through rehabilitation; I went to the physiotherapist, so he recommended I take a special pillow to get rid of my pain. I found one of the recommendations by I bought it, and now I enjoy my deep sleep every night.