Need your feedback on an upcoming app!

Aleksandr Lanin
3 replies
Hi PH! πŸ±β€πŸ‘“ I have created an upcoming product page via Ship for Posity, a mobile journal that helps you stay focused on what's important to YOU. Please have a look and let me know your thoughts! Thank you! πŸ’–


Satish Gaire
Looks like a good app. How is it different from everything else out there?
Aleksandr Lanin
@satishgaire Hi Satish! I haven't seen anything similar yet, tbh. Have you tried any journaling apps before?
Robert Zalaudek
Hi Aleksandr: I've subscribed and wanted to have a look at your app but when I clicked on the link the only platform supported is Apple. One suggestion that I have is letting people know that it's built for Apple products only.