How about sharing tips and tricks about Advisory Board & Advisory Board Meeting?

Hanna Barzakouskaya
4 replies
We are on the first steps to build an Advisory Board and the more we work, the more it seems challengeable. If you have experience with it, could you please share it? Are you happy with your Advisors? Do you get a huge value for your business? Are you satisfied with the results?


Hey there. I've found advisory boards to be one of the most useful things you can do for your business. Ultimately, you'll get to build the exact features that your customers want saving your time and energy and, most importantly, money. Useful tips for the meetings - pay your advisors a small fee (say a $20 amazon gift card) and have a set agenda to talk about and key outcomes you want to get from the meeting :)
Andy Dent
Do people see Advisory Boards as a validation of the startup? Do you include who's on your AB as part of a pitch deck or mention when talking about the startup? I'm thinking about how attracting the interest and time of someone important may show you should be taken seriously. Or, if you are a solo founder, how an advisor fills in a weakness in domain expertise.
Hanna Barzakouskaya
@andydentperth1 As for me, I found advisers to increase expertise in the fields my team and I have short of experiences. Marketing, for example.