6 lessons from launching a Slack integration

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🚀Here our Slack integration for Google Ads https://www.producthunt.com/post... 👨🏽‍💻 Developed by Guillermo Mora: https://www.producthunt.com/@gui... - Slack offers many great tutorials for users to start using their API and the process is quite simple, but first you need to identify the problem and search for a reason why. - Your reason can be anything from setting an alarm to scheduling a meeting. In our company’s case, we spend many hours on Slack as well as spending time looking at graphs and numbers in the Google Ads dashboard, so why don’t we merge them and connect Google Ads to Slack? We would always open a new tab in our browser for specific tasks, but checking impressions and cost could have been faster. - Building for slack can be tedious, but rewarding. First, go to the Apps page and click on “Create new app.” After giving the app a name and selecting your preferred workspace, the app is ready to use, though unable to listen to messages or provide interactive buttons. - In previous versions of the bot, the user experience left much to be desired, but now new buttons, shortcuts, modals and selectors make up for a lack of customization. - Programming languages and frameworks are not an issue, given that the API can be accessed via authenticated HTTP requests, so if you or your team want to work on a Slack app, you may find everything you need to develop at ease. After creating the app you can explore all the possibilities, and decide how to interact with the bot. Shortcuts? Messages? Old but reliable slash commands? Everything in the home page? - Slack offers many options, and you should make use of which you consider best. Using multiple options can overload the UX, making users unable to enjoy the app. When you have decided how you will utilize the app, you can start building messages using the Block Kit Builder, and your app will be ready to go!
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