Name the first app you open on your phone in the morning
77 replies
Mine is Simple Habit. I keep my phone on DND and airplane mode when I sleep and then turn on wi-fi so I can meditate before anything else.
What's the first app you open on your phone in the morning?
Temi Lasade-Anderson@temilasade
Hmm usually Google News or Twitter or Whatsapp. I want to start looking at my phone later in the morning though, and not first thing! First step — I got a (non-digital) activity tracker watch (Withings Steel) that has a simple vibration alarm.
@ryzalyusoff hello 👋 I see a green plant on your profile so it got me thinking 🤔
How would you like to earn from CBD without having to come in contact with the actual product while dealing?
Gmail is always first.
Usually iMessage to send a morning message to my fiancé, as she leaves for work early in the morning while I'm still 😴
I open my ForbesCapital wallet and blockchain wallet app first thing every morning to keep an eye on my earnings 🙂
WhatsApp - I have a distributed family and have to catch up on all the overnight banter that I may have missed
I'm trying to change this though. If I'm being good, I turn my alarm off and don't check anything online until after I'm done running through my morning routine. Then I can scroll through what I want while I eat breakfast.
It's a work in progress for sure and sometimes I wonder if it would be easier if I got an alarm clock instead of using the one on my phone.
@jessica_tedrick I turned off all social notifications and I find it makes it easier to not check it! Side effect is that I miss all the DM's!
Right now, it's Kindle to read the Daily Stoic.
Google Analytics...
Peak app, brain training.
I check the apps I have made. and to see if they are working fine. Its a routine manual health check.
weather app so I know what to wear :)
@aaron_westley I have dnd + screen time disable most apps for the period that i am waking up. then i perform my must do habits in streaks before anything else.
@aaron_westley @ggnall this is a smart technique. The first moments of my day I also don't like interference from the outside world, not until I've done my meditation or practiced gratitude.
Mine is the Stocks app because I'm financially irresponsible and enjoy trading equities around significant geopolitical events 😅
It's a terrible habit because literally the first thing I see is usually a bright red box telling me how much money I've lost.
@eve_hammond oh wow sounds intense !! quite a rollercoaster?!