2 weeks till the end of 2023. What was your highlight of this year?

I think... that for me... it was travelling and attending conferences. WBY?


What a great question! For me, the highlight of this year was growing my team to 22 people. Building a content team and hiring members for the marketing team. Building my First SaaS. My first child was born. I get to meet so many incredible people and so much more
Business Marketing with Nika
@devzakir Congratulation. Is it a boy or a girl? And what is your business? :-) Share the link.
@busmark_w_nika Thanks for responding, It is boy, alhamdulillah. My current money-making business is: Templatecookie.com (we build digital products) I am working on a recruitment software: jugglehire.com
Business Marketing with Nika
@devzakir Exactly like the landing pages! What programming languages do you use?
@busmark_w_nika Thanks for asking, We are using Tailwind CSS and Nuxt.js
Simona O'Neill
For me there were a few. Turning 40, recording a track which I’m yet to release, attending my first ever virtual event as a guest speaker… 😊
Jacob Choi
@simona_o_neill3 A track as in music? πŸ‘€ WOW! I am actually quite introverted, I have never thought of pursuing music. The amount of training and bravery that takes is super commendable, Simona. I really hope you get to release your work soon!! ✨
Business Marketing with Nika
@simona_o_neill3 Wow, that is amazing! Which event? πŸ™‚
Simona O'Neill
@jacob_boston thank you πŸ™πŸ». I started studying music from a really young age and it stuck with me. It’s my favourite creative outlet. I love writing acoustic songs, but the one I just recorded is actually a dance tune πŸ˜€πŸ’ƒπŸ•Ί
Simona O'Neill
@busmark_w_nika it was a Video Prospecting Summit 2023 😊
@simona_o_neill3 That is so awesome, congrats on it all! I wish I was musically or artistically inclined, I can't even draw stick figures in recognizable shapes πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€£
Matej Cabadaj
Time really goes fast! For me it was making some major decisions this year and stepping out of my comfort zone. Looking forward to read from the others!
Jacob Choi
@matej_cabadaj Congrats man, I completely understand. For every opportunity comes a little discomfort because we should grow into that new space. Cheering for you though. Starting really is the biggest part and you've done that. πŸ’ͺ
Matej Cabadaj
@jacob_boston very well said! Thanks a lot for the support! Really appreciate it! πŸ†
Luis Rieke
Launching soon!
For me it was Digital Nomad Village Madeira in April - I don't think I've ever been more happy and productive than during that time this year. It was the first time I'd engaged in programming since my bachelor's degree. I started hating programming and sitting in front of my computer while writing my thesis in Computer Science and thought I'd never do it again - at least not for a very long time. Writing my bachelor thesis was overwhelming - a period marked by pain, no sports, and relying on Huel (urgh.. ) because I simply didn't have the time to eat. But then, there I was, sitting on this beautiful island - and started coding again. And I realized, I actually love programming. It's just that I hate being forced into something. And I remember jumping into the ocean after work 🌊 That was the best feeling.
Business Marketing with Nika
@luisrieke Can you share your experience about the Nomad Village? Any website? My friend invited me to Sri Lanka to experience something similar.
Luis Rieke
Launching soon!
@busmark_w_nika https://digitalnomads.startupmad... this is on Madeira, also have been to this one in Italy https://en.tursidigitalnomads.com/ - I really like these gatherings of digital nomads.
Business Marketing with Nika
@luisrieke Exactly good concept! Are there any remote job opportunities as well?
Jacob Choi
Honestly, this year has been full of surprises. I was able to publish a few journals, present as an AI expert, meet amazing people to introduce to my business, build a hardworking team who are just as passionate as I am for AI and our vision. Really can't pick one thing, this year has been nothing short of a blessing. πŸ™ For you Nika, what were the top 2 places/events that you were able to travel to?
Business Marketing with Nika
@jacob_boston Are journals available online? (Those you published in) For me, it was WebSummit in Lisbon and Helsinki (Slush Conference). Many things were not planned πŸ˜… but it was the best experience I could ever have.
Business Marketing with Nika
@elena_malneva Elena, thank you so much for watching! I am preparing another video. This will be kind of different! :-D
Karthik Tatikonda
We pivoted our business model and we are ramen profitable now.
Business Marketing with Nika
@karthik_tatikonda Can you share your business? (pls, leave there a link) :-)
Karthik Tatikonda
Sure @busmark_w_nika We build digital products that help makers and indie hackers launch their products. This is our product hunt link: https://www.producthunt.com/prod... You can checkout all our products here.
Business Marketing with Nika
@karthik_tatikonda Thank you! I can see that have already bookmarked your website!
Karthik Tatikonda
That's awesome @busmark_w_nika !! Let me know if you have any suggestions
That’s awesome you got to travel and attend conferences. For me it was really personal development and getting to know myself and self worth.
Business Marketing with Nika
@slimmy82 What activities have you been doing due to self-development?
@busmark_w_nika self reflection, affirmations, books and putting learnings into action
for me Joining PH and falling in love with this community πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
Business Marketing with Nika
@istiakahmad Istiak, that is kind of you. I like it there also! :)
Tyler Scott
It happened pretty early into the year but it was actually one of the few NYE resolutions I completed this year: I won a pitch competition finally. It wasn't a large amount, in fact it was only $250, but it really meant a lot to me and gave me a huge confidence boost.
Business Marketing with Nika
@scottlabsai Congrats! What was the name of the pitch event?
Tyler Scott
@elena_malneva Yes I did it using PowerPoint and Google Slides.
Giles Crouch
2023 was the year cultures started to question and look deeper at the technologies they're using and to make changes in how they use them. This will lead to significant shifts in 2024 through 2025. From social media to productivity tools.
Traveling is always amazing especially when you visit new places, I bet Slush was really great. My highlight was probably earlier in the year when I got the news I was accepted into my accelerated graduate program, I wasn't sure it would happen, so it was a nice a great moment!
Business Marketing with Nika
@reconcatlord It is good to hear that you can continue in studying what you like. :-)
@busmark_w_nika Thanks Nika 😊😁
Martin Schumacher
My highlight for this year was starting to work for pixelfreestudio at the end of this year. I'm glad to work as a developer in this Start-Up. I'm looking forward to new responsibilities this year.
Business Marketing with Nika
@mighty_muddy Hope that you will succeed with your business! :-)
For me, being the #1 Product of the Day on ProductHunt was the biggest event of the year.
Business Marketing with Nika
@elly_sp That is amazing. Feel happy you did it. Congratulation! :)