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Wish Ronquillo
Wish Ronquillo
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Good to gamify... any use case already? Anyone from this app around to give more BG?
2Truths and a Lie
2Truths and a Lie
The social icebreaker that makes it easy to meet new people.
Wish Ronquillo
Wish Ronquillo
left a comment
How about a public game? Possible @dawsonwhitfield?
Cards Against Originality
Cards Against Originality
Cards Against Humanity app, free in your browser
Wish Ronquillo

Highbrow is a learning platform that delivers bite-sized courses straight to people's inboxes every morning, that helps them form a daily micro-learning habit.

People are busy and free time is rare, so our courses are 10 days long (you don’t get bored) and are broken down into 5-minute lessons (you can read them with your morning coffee).

Expand your knowledge universe in just 5 minutes a day