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Wilfred Springer
This little application will help you detect an overload of BS by tracking the use of buzzwords in the area around you. If they are all mentioned, then it will shout back at you in order to 'inform' you about it. It may be used to track political BS, but will work equally well in the office space.
BS Bingo
BS Bingo
Signalling an overload of BS
Wilfred Springer

Gust Launch is the one click solution for founding and managing a high-growth startup. A unique 'software as a service' platform, Gust Launch incorporates your startup as a Delaware C corp, files with the IRS, sets up your equity, and then handles ALL of your legal, accounting, stock and banking needs as you grow...starting at only $99/month.

Gust Launch
Gust Launch
Legal, banking and accounting solution for startups