Vincent Loi

Vincent Loi

Software Engineer @ Noted
72 points
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Vincent Loi
Feel the beat
haptik is for musicians who loves sound-less metronomes. While the beats are delivered through haptic touches, you can focus on your music without the beeping distractions.
The first always-on metronome for Apple Watch
Vincent Loi

Noted is a beautiful audio recording and note-taking app for lectures, meetings, conferences and more, making it super-easy for you to record every moment with confidence.

Bring notes and audio together
Vincent Loi

Noted is a beautiful audio recording and note-taking app for lectures, meetings, interviews, conferences and more, making it super-easy for you to record every moment with confidence.

Every word you type is instantly timestamped, so your notes synchronize effortlessly with your recording.

Perfect for Students 📚 and Professionals 👨‍💻

Noted: Audio & Voice Recorder
Noted: Audio & Voice Recorder
Beautiful audio note-taking app in your pocket.