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Ted Power
Answer three simple questions, and we'll estimate your company's emissions, leveraging a leading economic climate model with 4m+ data points. See how you stack up against your industry peers.
Bend Scorecard
Bend Scorecard
Estimate company emissions in 2min
Ted Power
With Bend any company or organization can automatically track and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions (for free!) as they earn 4% yield on deposits, and carbon removal credits with every purchase.
A modern corporate card built for climate-friendly business
Ted Power
We help startups measure their carbon emissions by connecting to your company bank account (Brex, Mercury, AmEx, etc.), and then estimating the impact of each purchase. Plus API access for developers.
1 click carbon accounting for startups
Ted Power
Ted Power
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Great product, great team!
Iterate - Research Assistant
Iterate - Research Assistant
Translate customersā€™ text responses into valuable insights.
Ted Power
Ted Power
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Congrats Jake and John!
Make Time
Make Time
A book on how to focus on what matters every day
Ted Power
Ted Power
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hey Slim didn't realize you were working on Framer, congrats on the launch
Framer Effects
Multiple shadows, filters, blurs, and blending modes.
Ted Power
Abacus Trips
Abacus Trips
Take Control of Travel Spending with Abacus Trips
Ted Power
Ted Power
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nice guys!
Simple app monitoring with meaningful alerts
Ted Power
Abacus for Slack
Abacus for Slack
Approve expenses to reimburse your team, inside Slack
Ted Power
Ted Power
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Congrats @jakek @jazer and @kowitz!
How to solve big problems and test new ideas in 5 days
Ted Power
Ted Power
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Nice! What's the main benefit of Mave over the stock Apple SMS invite flow?
Drop-in viral invite page w/ suggested contacts, in your app