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Sasan Aghdasi
Building things isn't easy. Marketing them is even harder.
Get a video audit of your landing page with actionable feedback on how to make it better, increase conversions, and get people excited about your product.
Improve your startup's landing page with a video audit
Sasan Aghdasi
Ungrabbed is a curated newsletter that sends out two brandable domains a day.
Use them to name your startup, side project, app idea, and more 🍕
Ungrabbed 2.0 🍕
Ungrabbed 2.0 🍕
Domains right to your inbox.
Sasan Aghdasi
Design high-quality business cards online in just a few simple steps. Choose from a range of templates, and get delivery for free.
Namecheap Business Card Maker
Namecheap Business Card Maker
Create and order business cards in minutes
Sasan Aghdasi
A free tool that lets you create a professional resume in minutes. Resume builder makes it dead simple to build a resume, so you can get hired sooner.
Resume Builder
Resume Builder
Create and download a resume for free
Sasan Aghdasi

Ungrabbed emails you brandable domains by surprise.

Name your startup, side project, app idea, and more ✌︎

- Domains that look and sound good, priced way below market value

- No more messing with auctions, sketchy sellers, or escrow

Brandable domains, right to your inbox.
Sasan Aghdasi
Museum-quality retro space & NASA posters