Naved Islam

Naved Islam

Coding to solve problems, big or small
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Naved Islam
Naved Islam
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Excellent extension and is very handy!
Hoverify 2.0
Hoverify 2.0
All-in-one browser extension for web development
Naved Islam
Naved Islam
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Using Hoverify for a few weeks now, and it's really been a boost to my productivity!
Quickly inspect element, pick colors, capture and much more
Naved Islam
Layl automatically finds the divisions of the night as defined in Islam for your location, making it easy and convenient to plan your sleep and worship!
Know the night to plan your sleep and worship πŸŒ™
Naved Islam

Zenfox is a dynamic theme for Firefox that utilizes the stunning Solarized themes to make your browsing experience better than ever.

Set it to automatically change to Light/Dark versions based on time of day or cloudiness at your current location β€” or just control it manually!

Zenfox β€” Solarized Dark/Light for Firefox
Zenfox β€” Solarized Dark/Light for Firefox
Firefox has never looked this good.
Naved Islam

Qawl is a desktop first Quran reader, combining the time-tested Madinah mushaf with the conveniences of digital.

A focused, beautiful Quran reader for desktop