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Ivy Da
PictureThis® identifies 1,000,000+ plants every day with 98% accuracy-better than most human experts. Get your gardening questions answered and become a “green thumb”!
Simply take a photo of the plant and PictureThis answers all the questions for you!
PictureThis 2.0
PictureThis 2.0
Instantly identify plants like a botanist in your pocket 🌱
Ivy Da
- Instantly Identify 1000+ species of insects
- Identification accuracy rate of 95.28%
- Rich learning source about insects
- Get suggestions from users and experts in the community
- Keep track of identified species in your personal collection.
Picture Insect
Picture Insect
Just take a picture to identify insect.
Ivy Da
Instantly identify plants. Accurate, fast and content rich! In addition to description and plant care tips, enjoy beautiful plant pictures around the world. Simply take a photo of the plant, PictureThis answers all the questions for you.
Instantly identify your plants, must-have App for spring.
Ivy Da
Receiptlens is a smart app for expense tracking and reimbursement. Just snap a receipt and the app automatically reads all the details. Now you can throw away your paper receipts, generate expense reports on the go and never miss anything for reimbursement.
A smart tool for receipt scanning,expense tracking&reporting
Ivy Da
Instantly identify plants. Accurate, fast and content rich! In addition to description and plant care tips, enjoy beautiful plant pictures around the world. Simply take a photo of the plant, PictureThis answers all the questions for you.
Instantly identify your plants