All activity
Gabriel Axel
A free, personal email address that forwards to your regular inbox, with email trackers removed. DuckDuckGo never saves your email.
DuckDuckGo Email Protection (beta)
DuckDuckGo Email Protection (beta)
Free email forwarding service that removes email trackers
Gabriel Axel
Free, pixel-perfect React Material-UI component kit file for Figma
Material-UI Figma Kit
Material-UI Figma Kit
React Material-UI components kit for Figma
Gabriel Axel
React Primer
React Primer
Prototyping tool for generating React component hierarchy
Gabriel Axel

Access Mars is a collaboration between NASA, Jet Propulsion Lab, and Google Creative Lab to bring the real surface of Mars to your browser. It is an open source project released as a WebVR Experiment.

Access Mars
Access Mars
WebVR experiment of Mars surface recorded by Curiosity rover
Gabriel Axel
US Press Freedom Tracker
US Press Freedom Tracker
Tracking and cataloging press freedom violations in the US
Gabriel Axel
Firefox Send lets you send large files, up to 1gb completely for free and encrypted
Send by Firefox
Send by Firefox
Share large files online, encrypted for free
Gabriel Axel
Twitter Lite
Twitter Lite
Official Twitter Progressive Web App