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David Khourshid
David Khourshid
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Upvoted for state machines
SDKs to build quality product onboarding and education
David Khourshid
A secure open-source platform thats allows your build, manage, and integrate APIs for web and mobile applications.

WunderGraph provides out of the box authentication, functions, databases, storage, subscriptions, and more with a focus on developer experience
The Open Source Platform to build, manage, & integrate APIs
David Khourshid
Stately Studio makes creating and collaborating on all kinds of logic simple. With the editor, you can visually design flows of any complexity, simulate them, and export them to code. Invite your team to work together on flows, organize, and share.
Stately Studio 1.0
Design flows visually, collaborate, export to code
David Khourshid
The Stately Editor is a visual tool for creating, editing, and simulating application logic and workflows, no matter how complex they are.
Stately Editor Beta
Visually create and simulate complex app logic, workflows
David Khourshid
David Khourshid
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This looks really useful, excited to use it!
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David Khourshid
Stately Viz visualizes, simulates, and inspects state machines and statecharts created with XState in real-time.
Stately Viz
Visualize, simulate, and inspect your state machines