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Augustin Prot
Augustin Prot
left a comment
Well done guys! Nice the productization approach with the white-label offer.
Save $$$ on the best software to grow your business
Augustin Prot
We analyze your website word count based on public pages.
All words belonging to public pages and included in your HTML source code are taken into account, even SEO tags.
Weglot WordCount
Weglot WordCount
How many words do you have on your website?
Augustin Prot
Translate your website in minutes, no coding required
💻 Quick, simple install
✅ 100% compatible with all websites (WordPress, Shopify, …)
📈 SEO optimized
🎯 Automatic and human translations
🚀 Intuitive translations management
👥 Access to pro translators
Weglot Translate
Translate your website instantly, no code required